photographer & graphic designer

GHF 2023 Day 1

The atmosphere was electric, charged with anticipation for the 2023 Giant’s Head Freeride (GHF) in Summerland, BC. GHF was a long time coming with the last event at Giant’s Head Park occurring in 2019. It was an obvious choice for those adrenaline junkies who had been before, but it was many of the riders’ first time at the hill. Giant's Head Park Road is a steep and winding 2.1 km course with 220 meters of drop, 13 hairpin corners and fast straightaways on an extinct volcano populated with ponderosa pines, penstemon flowers, and dry grass. Hundreds of riders attended the event for the challenging course and beautiful landscape, but also for the mini-ramp skating, games, music, singing, partying, and camping at the Summerland Rodeo Grounds.

On Thursday morning, day 1 of the event, riders were greeted at the bottom of the hill by experienced organizers with iPads to help them sign in. Riders signed their waivers and agreements and received their wrist bands and their Pabst Blue Ribbon fanny pack (AKA Gen Z shoulder sling) filled with poker chips decked out in AI generated Andre the Giant images and sponsor logos. The chips would become integral to the event because there were prizes for those with the most chips Most importantly, they all received their first set of complementary wheels and there were many more to come.

After a short ride up the hill in a fleet of short moving trucks, riders strapped on their pads and helmets and gathered around the organizers. The director of the event signaled the start of the event to cheers and applause from all the the riders and they eagerly descended upon the winding road to test their gravity-defying limits. The following are the photos from the first day of the event.

Thank you to the Giant’s Head Freeride organizers, volunteers, and riders!