photographer & graphic designer

GHF 2023 Day 2

On Friday, day 2 of the 2023 Giant’s Head Freeride (GHF) event in Summerland, BC, riders were mostly a bit tired from the day before but also from the night of partying with friends. On the night before, some rode the mini-ramp, played games for chips in the rodeo grounds, danced to music spun by DJ HueyLove, and others just talked with friends and enjoyed the vibes. That meant the first trucks hauling riders up the hill wasn’t as full as it could be. Soon enough though, the trucks were packed with excited riders ready to test out new wheels and take corners a little faster than they had before. The following are photos I captured on day two of the event.

Again, thank you to the Giant’s Head Freeride organizers, volunteers, and riders!